Mitral Valve Repair and Replacement in Corinth, MS

The Mitral Valve is located in-between two chambers of the heart, the left atrium and the left ventricle. Blood from the lungs flows into these chambers and the Mitral Valve helps make sure blood keeps moving through the heart after passing through these pumping chambers. Sometimes surgery is needed on the Mitral Valve if:

  • The Mitral Valve gets hardened/stiff which prevents blood from moving forward (Mitral Valve Stenosis)
  • The Mitral Valve is too loose which may cause blood to flow backwards, or a “leaky valve” (Mitral Valve Prolapse or Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease, causing Mitral Valve Regurgitation)

These conditions are known as myxomatous valve diseases and usually need to be treated surgically with either Mitral Valve Repair or Replacement.

Mitral Valve Replacement in Corinth, MS

Mitral Valve Replacement is for more serious cases of Mitral Valve Disease where the whole valve needs to be replaced by a mechanical or prosthetic valve. This is less common and only accounts for about 20% of all Mitral Valve surgeries. Since full replacement is necessary, an open surgery is more common than with Mitral Valve Repair.

Results will vary more with replacement surgery, depending on the severity of the case.

Mitral valve surgery is a common procedure that is used to repair or replace a valve in the heart. This surgery is considered to be common and not that invasive. During the surgery which can last from a couple of hours up to four or five hours, the damaged heart valve will be replaced or repaired. This allows the heart to work more effectively.

If you undergo mitral valve surgery, then there are very specific things you will need to do in preparation for the procedure. If you wish for the surgery to be truly successful, you will need to adhere to specific recovery guidelines given to you by your doctor. Here’s a few things you should know.

Preparation for Mitral Valve Surgery

To begin with, you will need to prepare yourself for the surgery mentally and physically.

  • Research and understand what the surgery is and what to expect.
  • You will need to go for blood work in order to ensure that you do not have any underlying conditions that could prevent the surgery.
  • You will need review the risks of the surgery and then sign a consent form with your doctor.
  • Take the time to relax. For about two weeks before the surgery, it is vital that you do not cause yourself undue stress.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions as far as medication. You will most likely be told to stop taking any types of blood thinners, including ibuprofen or aspirin.
  • You must stop smoking two weeks before the procedure.

Recovery from Mitral Valve Surgery

Once you have undergone the surgery, you will need to take some time to recover. Remember that your heart has been operated on. If you want the procedure to be effective and you want to recover in a timely manner, then make sure you take all of the proper recovery steps, including the following:

  • Stay in the hospital from 2-3 days.
  • Eat smaller meals and eat more frequently. This will ensure that you do not deal with excessive nausea.
  • Always take all of the medications prescribed as your doctor prescribes.
  • Keep the incision clean as covered as the doctor ordered.
  • Only take a shower after the staples have been removed. Never let the incision soak in water.
  • Follow a cardiac rehab program to slowly get back to normal life activities. Avoid any strenuous activity for several weeks up to a month after the surgery. Aerobic activity should not be taken up for at least three months.

Mitral valve surgery is very common, but as with any surgery, there are always risks. You will need to ensure that you follow the proper pre-surgery and recovery actions in order to ensure that your surgery is a success.