Governor Praises MRHC Vaccine Efforts

January 26, 2021 8:24 am Published by

Published in the Daily Corinthian on Jan. 23. Reprinted with permission.

COVID-19 has tormented and impacted lives throughout the state, region and nation for nearly one year now with some individuals wondering if there will ever be an end in sight.

With the recent rollout of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccinations nationwide, health officials are optimistic the pandemic may approach a finish line if individuals receive the offered vaccines.

Magnolia Regional Health Center continues to help lead the way and provide vaccinations for a large region in northeast Mississippi. The first doses arrived at MRHC for frontline healthcare workers on Dec. 23, 2020, and many hospital staff members began to be vaccination immediately.

Since then, the team at MRHC has worked diligently to continue to plan, register and administer vaccines to MRHC staff members, community health providers, individuals age 75 and older, and now individuals age 65 and older.

The hospital’s efforts have not gone unnoticed, drawing vaccine rollout praise from the state’s top office.

“I am so proud of the staff at Magnolia Regional Health Center. They have done a phenomenal job of vaccine distribution and getting shots in arms,” Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves told the Daily Corinthian. “I want to congratulate them all for their hard work during these uncertain times and for doing their best in keeping Mississippians healthy. It’s truly been above and beyond.”

Magnolia’s top leadership says the hard work and dedication will continue from the health care facility.

“I am continuously amazed by the incredible abilities of our team to quickly and efficiently provide vaccinations for the community members we serve,” said Jim Hobson, chief executive officer at MRHC. “Continuing to work tirelessly to ensure all who are qualified at this time receive a vaccination, our team is dedicated to helping to save the lives of our patients, neighbors, families and friends.”

As of the end of last week, MRHC had administered over 2,500 vaccinations to those who have signed up to receive one.

The process for registration, which consists of calling a COVID vaccination registration number set up by MRHC, is being worked by staff members from various part of the organization. These individuals staffing the registration hotline are not clinical but want to make an effort to provide some relief and protection for community members and their clinical coworkers on the frontlines.

“While our heroes continue to provide life-saving care on the frontlines, many of our team members consider the COVID vaccination rollout to be their calling and duty to help end this pandemic,” Hobson added.

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This post was written by Magnolia Regional Health Center