At What Age Should I See a Cardiologist for Cardiac Care?

June 7, 2022 12:00 pm Published by

man meeting with cardiologist

You hit the big 4-0, or maybe even the big 5-0, and now you’re wondering whether it’s time to schedule an appointment with a cardiologist. The decision about seeing a cardiac care specialist is more dependent on the health of your heart than your age.

While it’s true that older age is a risk factor for many different heart conditions, including both heart disease and heart failure, people of all ages can and do experience heart health problems.

People well into their 60s and 70s can be in excellent cardiovascular health, while some in their 20s and 30s have multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

How can you know if it’s time to see a board-certified cardiologist? Read on to get the facts.

When to Begin Paying Attention to Your Heart Health

Most health is preventive in nature—and it starts with having regular heart health screenings beginning as early as your 20s.

These tests, which include basic screenings for blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and weight, are all usually included in an annual checkup with your primary care provider. If you have risk factors for heart disease, your provider may also recommend other cardiovascular screenings.

Even if your heart health “numbers” are in great shape, it’s important to keep an eye on them over the years. Since conditions like high blood pressure usually cause no noticeable symptoms, a screening can often detect them before they lead to a more serious issue.

When to See a Cardiologist

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer about when to see a cardiologist. If you have heart health risk factors, like a family history of heart attack or heart disease, you may be referred to a cardiologist sooner.

In other cases, your provider may see a trend in your blood pressure or cholesterol readings over time that signal a potential heart condition. The next step at that point is usually a consultation with a cardiologist. You may also be referred to a cardiologist if you have any signs of a major heart issue, such as heart failure.

During your first appointment with a cardiac care specialist, he or she will talk with you about your overall health, your lifestyle, your family and personal medical history, and other factors related to heart health. You may be asked whether you have experienced any symptoms of heart disease, including chest discomfort, shortness of breath, abnormal heart rhythms or dizziness.

The cardiologist will also listen to your heart and may order imaging and other diagnostic tests to get a good look at how the heart is functioning. From there, he or she can create a plan for your care moving forward.

If you are diagnosed with a heart condition, your care will include treatment for the condition and follow-up appointments, as well as preventive measures to ensure it doesn’t worsen. If you don’t have a current heart health issue but are at high risk, your care will likely include ongoing appointments at regular intervals to keep a close eye on your heart.


When your heart health is at stake, you want a cardiac care team you can trust. You’ll find that through Magnolia Heart & Vascular Center.


Magnolia Heart and Lung—Paul Volansky, MD
611 Alcorn Drive, Suite 230
Corinth, MS 38834
(662) 287-5218

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This post was written by Magnolia Regional Health Center