5 Common Sports Injuries

January 27, 2022 12:30 pm Published by

sports injuries

Magnolia Regional Health Center treats common sports injuries quickly, so you don’t stay sidelined.

An uncomfortable sports injury makes it hard to stay active. Whether you have an acute injury from a single event or an overuse injury from an active lifestyle, the physicians at MRHC Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine clinic are highly trained in these types of injuries so they can provide leading-edge treatment.

Experts at MRHC are ready to help treat and prevent these five common sports injuries so you keep moving.

1. Achilles Tendon Injury

The Achilles tendon, the largest tendon in the body, connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. When you walk, jump and run, the Achilles tendon contracts to make this movement possible. Acute ruptures occur when the tendon separates from the muscle.

Achilles tendinitis causes inflammation from overuse. Tendinitis is common in long-distance runners.

  • Acute ruptures cause severe pain, swelling or discoloration. Tendinitis causes pain.
  • Tears in the Achilles tendon often require surgery. Achilles tendinitis is best overseen by a physician.

Prevent injury to the Achilles tendon by taking breaks between activities, increasing flexibility and using proper technique.

2. Concussion

A concussion occurs when a fall or collision causes the brain to hit the side of the skull. This brain bruising temporarily pauses normal brain function. Wearing protective equipment during high-impact sports helps to prevent concussions, but it’s still possible to get a concussion even if you’re wearing safety gear.

Concussion symptoms sometimes take up to three days to appear. They include headache, dizziness, blurred vision, confusion and slurred speech. If you suspect you or your child has a concussion, stop activity immediately and seek medical treatment.

3. Dislocations

Dislocations occur when the end of a bone moves out of its regular position. These common sports injuries are usually acute and caused by a single impact or fall. The ankles, knees, shoulders, hips, elbows, toes, fingers and jaw can all be dislocated. Dislocated joints cause pain and swelling and require treatment from a physician. Wearing protective equipment during sports helps prevent dislocations.

4. Rotator Cuff Injuries

Muscles and tendons in the shoulder make up the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff gives the arm full range of motion. Rotator cuff injuries are common for football and baseball players, who tend to overuse the rotator cuff through repetitive motion.

  • Rotator cuff injuries cause pain and soreness and limit arm movement.
  • Protect the shoulder by using caution during activities and taking breaks between workouts.

5. Sprains and Strains

There’s an important difference between sprains and strains. A sprain is a stretch or tear of a ligament near a joint. Sprains are usually acute injuries. A strain can be acute, but it can also be the result of overuse.

  • Both sprains and strains cause pain and swelling. The affected limb may not be able to take full body weight.
  • Stretching and staying hydrated help prevent both sprains and strains.


Experiencing one of these common sports injuries? Make an appointment today.  

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This post was written by Magnolia Regional Health Center


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